Things that used to be simple routine parts of a married couples life now seem to keep hanging onto the edge of a cliff as they play out. Yesterday was a few examples. She texted me after her massage with just one sentence, “I’m going home”. Naturally I freaked out. Or unnaturally? I expected the worst. She’s moving home to Arkansas. She’s going to that house she was staying at. Who knows? I called and asked what was going on. She sounded confused and just said she was on her way home to our house and asked me to go grocery shopping. She actually sounded excited to have some healthy food in the house. I felt dumb, yet relieved. She also paid her own money to have a house keeper come and clean the whole house yesterday so she could take a break from doing it since her back was still bothering her from the car wreck. I would like to think no one that had plans to leave would do all of that. SO I guess I have to take that as a reassurance and try to ease my fear and anxiety. I don’t know when I will feel “normal” and it isn’t a pleasant path to be on taking things day by day, but I know that patience and love are at an all time necessity. Forgiveness. She told me she would never do this to me again. I believe her. I guess time will tell me that I did the right thing and fought tooth and nail, until the death. Surmani Koos – Estonian for “Until death, we are together.”