I’m going to write this next one for everyone out there that was born for a reason. This is the 100th day that has passed since I began this blog. It is crazy to re-read the very first post that I made, and reflect on everything that has happened since. 100 days doesn’t seem all that long in the grand scheme of things, but when you compare where I was at in my life on Day 1 and where I am at now, you would’ve thought it would be hard pressed to cram all of that into one full year. The great unknown was what I was stepping into. Now here I stand with more clarity. Clarity on where I am at myself, and the situation around me. Change is always present in everyone’s life, all of the time, but I can honestly say that I’ve come out of these past 100 days a better person. The journey included so many physical miles, yet it was the experiences that occurred while traversing them that brought about the most movement. I will honest, if you had told me “hey man keep it together, you’ll get through this and your family has a real shot at making it out of this intact”, I would have been skeptical at best. Things just seemed so bleak at times. Here we are 100 days later though, and the scars from the road are a manifestation of wisdom brought on through suffering and the trials of putting my life’s path back together, brick by brick. I’m not into all of that hokey self-trumpeting bullshit, but I will say that I am glad I kept the faith and believed in myself, and always made sure I did the right thing. That is the only reason this got me to this point, no doubt. The reason it worked out this way, and not someone else’s perverse version of what should have been, is because if you are really that pathetic of a soul to dare fuck with the life and family of a man willing to fight for it, your’e going to get slapped down like a bitch every time. As it should be. For my daughter. For my wife. For my child on the way. And for my goddamn self, the journey goes on.