I think the biggest thing that a lot of people struggle with is being held accountable for their actions. Big and small, you’d be amazed how many people are full of shit. I put a lot of things out in the open over the last couple months and one side effect of doing that was that it forced me to be accountable for my actions with the crowd of people that I was trying to communicate with. It also forced other people in the situation to do likewise, whether they liked it or not, and whether they realized it at the time or not. Things have a funny way of blowing up in peoples faces. That’s a good thing. No one should be allowed to use a public platform to lie. Using it as a way to tell the truth can be so much more powerful in the long run. Dated, signed, packaged with a nice tag that reads “so this is what REALLY happened.” May include hash tags. When you commit to something, you’ve gotta belong to it. When you say something, you better back that up with your actions. And if you bold face lie about something, please just go ahead and say to yourself that you accept the explosion when it goes off in your face. In the end, its never worth it. So you you might as well start holding yourself accountable. Because the rest of the world sure will.