The dusty country roads that cross the South all go through a kind of middle of nowhere that isn’t quite like the rest of the country. To say its all the same or less interesting scenery than some of the more exotic parts of the world would be missing the point. I encourage anyone that has to traverse this region to take a route off the beaten path and away from a major highway. Trust me, you’ll surprise yourself with how serene it can get on those lonely country roads, passing through towns that time seem to have forgotten in the blink of an eye.
Recently I’ve had to take two long road trips through the deep South. I retrieved my wife from Arkansas so that we could be together while she continues her chemotherapy. That took us from northwest Arkansas down through Memphis and into Mississippi. This past week I had to make a thousand mile loop up to Savannah and over to Huntsville, passing through Athens and Tuscaloosa along the way. My wife accompanied me on the trip.
I remarked to my wife about how its been said that you will find out a lot about your relationship from traveling together. I’d agree. Four years in and countless miles together, I look back at our first two years or so worth of traveling and its easy to see how we’ve both matured and become more patient. I feel like we compliment eachother now and its really hard to envision seeing some of the sights you take in, without the other person there to enjoy it with you. Like it seems hollow. I’m glad we were able to go on these last two adventures even though she is so sick. The road makes things seem more normal to me.