It’s exactly a year since we drove up North. I just remember a mix of emotions as we headed up from the beach. I had taken a cup of sand and water from the gulf with the intent of dumping it into the Arctic Ocean. Kind of like dumping out my problems out into something so vast that none of them would matter anymore. I’ll say this: while I was on that voyage, none of those problems mattered. I didn’t think about any of them. No phone, no internet, no distractions. Just the road in front of me and all the time in the world to reflect on my life, without the pressure of everything that had gone wrong recently. Without this time away I doubt I could have figured out what I needed to do as a person and therefore handle things that had unfolded, and little to my knowledge at the time, get a whole lot worse. At least I was able to cast some existing ones into the cold void and come home with some answers.