The biggest thing to keep in mind when befallen by tough times is to remember that there is always more to come. It is you who decides what types of experiences lay ahead for you. The biggest difference between my younger years and the last few transformation-filled years life, is that I removed words that meant finality from my vocabulary. Do not ever think “this always happens to me” or “my life is ruined”. Life’s great illusion is when it tricks you into thinking you’re on a pre-ordained path. That happiness that eludes you is merely out of reach until you learn the tools with which to grab it.
I have wanted to grow into a family for a really long time, since becoming a parent. Traveling by myself so much and then wanting that sort of thing may seem like there should be a chasm between those two realities. There just is so much fulfillment in being a father and a husband when you have the love reciprocated. When I finally started looking myself in the mirror over the past few years and beginning to know that I needed to be better at both of those roles, that is when I understood the power of having a family around you.
A real family just wasn’t something that could have survived in my past relationships, as much as I wanted it. That being said, my mishaps and mistakes that I made have gone a long way in teaching me valuable lessons. I’m very thankful for where things are at right now in my life and the steps that continue to be tread towards a healthy family. I would never have been able to (nor deserved to) have a life with someone else of this high caliber, had I not finally changed how I was attempting to live my life. I am oh so proud to be with a person that has done the right things and treated other people the right way. I appreciate those qualities and I am relieved to have brought a person who possesses them into my child’s life. You can have a family with that sort of person with those sorts of moral fibers. One that will last an eternity. I am glad this family eluded me for all of these years, because had it came earlier, I’d have certainly lost it.
Getting to live with someone who makes you laugh, smile, and look forward to coming home is pretty damn cool.