today, I have been sober for 3 years
February 2nd, 2015. That was the day, that my life started.
I’ve had people ask me how I got sober or how I stopped doing destructive things to my life, and up to this point, it’s kind of made me uncomfortable. Having to explain that sometimes, changes are impossible to make until your soul hits rock bottom isn’t the positive story people are looking for in their quest to feel better. In fact, I’ll go ahead and say for the most part, those first few months or so contained nothing “positive” in the sense of feeling better. I’m wary of anyone with the rah-rah, pep talk sort of approach to starting a journey towards sobriety. That’s not to say those types of people aren’t doing the right thing, I’m just saying we’re not all the wired the same way. I would encourage anyone getting sober, to attempt to get out of their own head and say their story out loud. Counseling, AA, rehab, all of those things provided an outlet to what I was working through and after a while I started believing my own words and all of this finally seemed feasible.
My addiction wasn’t me. And the further I get from February 2nd, 2015, the closer I get to being comfortable….being just “me”. I don’t have anything masking the real me. It’s been liberating in a lot of ways, to not be totally absorbed in things I used to take to the extreme. I don’t have to run this many miles. I don’t have to be here, and then there, or any of the other labels I feel like I’d constructed for myself, to go along with the so-called alcoholic ultra person I pretended to be. Now, I just wake up and start anew each day and I’m OK with that. Being content with trying to be a better person today than I was yesterday.
This is all still a work in progress, it’s a humbling reality catching yourself making mistakes even after years of sobriety, and realizing you could go back to the way you were if you fall. I hope anyone that needed to hear any of this, finds themselves digging out of their darkness however it needs to come about. I want to make an impact. Thanks for your time, these were just some thoughts I had while reflecting back on the past three years.