You have so therefore you are, but I have not
You are too rich for hate, and I am too poor to love.
When events in your life cause you to feel like you are being torn down, its hard to shake off the isolation mentality. Being in public helps a lot, even if there isn’t any real interaction between yourself and the strangers around you. Sitting alone is better when its among others. Sometimes I see people I know or used to know and they say hello and that kind of gets the ball rolling with conversation and human contact. Friends across time zones helps stretch communication across the hours. I always have a book nearby.
People seem surprised by the journeys I have taken by myself. I feel like sometimes having another soul to enjoy the view with could be an enhancing quality, although I have seen plenty of breath taking landscapes with only silence to share it with. It forces you to process it in a way that will last a lot longer. There will be no one else to back up your claim of a memory, so you have to take it all in and be able to relay it, whether it be to yourself at a later date or to a friend that wishes to hear where you have been. Going to Europe and the empty spaces across North America several times alone turned me into quite a story teller. I try and take a few photos that accurately depict where I am, but its the lost art of spoken recollection that I think is the true way to relay to one another.
Faith is a way that I think people have found a way to never truly be traveling alone. Their gods are their cloak of comfort against the biting cold of solitude and reality. The universe constantly reminds us of its presence and its working motions. I see evidence of your gods all around me. I’m just not sure they are listening. Perhaps it is a one way communication only. The universe speaks.
I try to be thankful to be alive.