My life would be a pretty hollow existence without my daughter in it. That’s my little sidekick. She’s always had a good grasp on learning and speaking, the kid could already roll her “r’s” and count to 100 in Estonian at age 5. Her ability to converse with me made an already close relationship really blossom these last few years. We can have entire conversations about anything under the sun,and it makes me stop and remind myself I’m still talking to a six year old miniature person. One day when she can make decisions about her own life, I know we will be spending more time together instead of some schedule that in my eyes, was bought by my income and not based on what was best for my daughter. This little girl needs me. I’ve moved back to Florida from the West Coast twice to make sure I remained in her life. I don’t think about any alternatives, I know everything I ever do to make sure that she is OK will always be the right decision, no matter what else was on the table. There are some awful things at every turn in this world, and despite not having the picture perfect situation to grow up in, Cal has had a smile on her face every day of her life. There are no bad days to her. That is a fact that I am so thankful for. I know she needs me, and when I feel like I might buckle under the weight of my own personal struggles, I know that I need her just as much.